
Umani is a project featuring Giulia Bernardi, a content creator, who embarks on a journey through five countries, living as a roommate with local girls. This vlog narrates the life of university students transitioning from the end of their studies to the beginning of "adult life." Through the shared experiences in this journey, we will explore how sustainable tourism can become a concrete tool for female empowerment in a rapidly evolving tourism sector that requires continuous training and leverages opportunities offered by new media.

A roundtable with Serena Speziali, Senior Creative Manager of Wannabe Management, Giulia Trombin, COO and Co-Founder of Sharewood, and Simone Sturla, lecturer at the Adventure Travel Academy, will uncover and discuss the power of stories to connect with new generations and the opportunities that professionals in sustainable tourism can seize to generate positive impacts. Authentic stories and new media have the potential to transform the future of tourism.