Pietro Tarallo - Journalist and writer

Journalist and writer

Nomad by vocation and sedentary by choice, he has written 80 travel guides, geographic texts and photo books plus numerous reportages for newspapers and magazines. A former president of Neos (journalists, photographers and associated travel cultural operators), he is now its Honorary President. His latest publications include ‘Monasteri in Italia” (Touring Editore); ‘Incontri Indiani, 30 anni di reportage in India’ (e-Book, Simonelli Editore); ‘Le Antiche Vie della Fede (e-Book, Simonelli Editore); ‘Persone. Protagonisti 1980-2014’ (Il Canneto Editore); ‘Giro del mondo in 80 paesi’ (Polaris); 2022 ‘Saudade de Portugal’ (Porto Seguro). Last year he published ‘Gianni Calcagno, una vita in salita. Dalla Lanterna al K2’ (Alpine Studio); in 2024 ‘Filippine’ (Guide Moizzi) and ‘Viaggio nei costumi sessuali. 86 Countries between Rights and Prohibitions, Transgressions and Curiosities’ (Erga edizioni).

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  • 10 Oct

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