Paola Piacentini - Moderator | Journalist, FIAB communications officer

Moderator | Journalist, FIAB communications officer

As a journalist, she writes about active mobility and cycle tourism for several newspapers. As a radio presenter, she has edited and hosted a dozen programmes on Radio Popolare, giving voice to the world of cycling since 2014. She has been FIAB's Communications Manager since 2022.


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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  12:40 - 13:40 BeActive Arena - Pav. C4


Antonio Dalla Venezia
FIAB Bicitalia responsible
Palmarosa Fuccella
Consultant for the promotion and communication activities of the Parks of Calabria cycle route
Simona Larghetti
Delegated Councillor of the Metropolitan City of Bologna
Paola Piacentini
Moderator | Journalist, FIAB communications officer
Alessandra Tormene
FIAB responsible for EuroVelo Italy