Carla Diamanti - Journalist and travel coach®

Journalist and travel coach®

Journalist, writer and travel coach®, transforms places into travel guides, reports and offbeat circuits. She collaborates with national magazines, publishers, tour operators, training centers, radio and television. A trainer of tour leaders and travel designers, she teaches Tour Itinerary Design and Tourism Communication and Languages at the University of Turin. She has traveled many times to about 70 countries around the world including accompanying hundreds of groups, lived in the United States, the Middle East, Haïti and around Europe. For the past 15 years she has lived in Paris, where she is a member of the Association des Journalistes du Tourisme and a Councilor of the Association de la Presse Etrangère. She launched #tourismconstructive: a travel philosophy on which she bases all her work.


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  • 09 Oct

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