Julia Zheng - Founder ALOE

Founder ALOE

Born and raised in Italy by Chinese entrepreneurs, she graduated in Business Administration from Bocconi University and completed her studies with a Master's degree in Sydney. After various international experiences in Norway, Sydney and Paris, Julia decided to leave Luxottica to return to Italy and found ALOE.  ALOE is an innovative startup created with the mission of introducing sustainable mobility in hotels, making adding a bicycle as simple as adding breakfast for the guest.

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  14:00 - 14:30 TTG NEXT STARTUP ARENA - Hall A6


Raffaella De Donato
Moderator | Community, Communication & Project Management for the Associazione Startup Turismo
Gianluca Iorio
Co-Founder & COO Unicorn Mobility
Michele Pio Lauriola
Co-Founder and Chief Sustainable Officer E-ssence
Nadia Mangiavacchi
Co-founder E-Dway
Alberto Riva
Co-founder & Business Developer MobilitySquare
Julia Zheng
Founder ALOE