Enzo Carella - President FederTerziario Turismo

President FederTerziario Turismo

57 years old, from Puglia, President of FederTerziario Turismo and Founder of Hotel Management Company “Life Hotels & Resorts,” and FILIERA and Founder of FILIERA TURISMO ITALIA.
Passionate about the Travel Industry with over 40 years of experience in high performance development projects. 
Since 2017 at the helm of White & Partners, Advisory Company specializing in Travel & Retail.
For 8 years at the helm of Uvet American Express Leisure Travel Group.
Previously, Vice President Ventaglio Group S.p.A. and Sales & Marketing in Valtur S.p.A.

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  • 09 Oct

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09 OCTOBER  |  15:30 - 16:30 Diotallevi 1 Room - South Hall


Andrea Babbi
President of AS.TU.NA. Nautical Tourism Association and Vice President Fiavet
Nicola Bianchi
Deputy Director EDI Confcommercio
Irene Bongiovanni
President Confcooperative Culture Tourism Sport and Cooperative Tourism Center
Enzo Carella
President FederTerziario Turismo
Edoardo Colombo
Moderator | Turismi.ai President and Turismo Italiae President
Alberto Corti
Tourism Sector Manager at Confcommercio-Imprese per l'Italia
Carlotta Ferrari
Director of Italian Convention Bureau
Marina Lalli
President Federturismo Confindustria
Gabriele Milani
National Director FTO - Federazione Turismo Organizzato
Marco Misischia
National President of CNA Turismo e Commercio