Giancarlo Reverenna - Travel Agent specializing in Incoming, President Fiavet Veneto

Travel Agent specializing in Incoming, President Fiavet Veneto

Since 1987 he and his company have been involved in Incoming in the area of Abano and Montegrotto Terme and the Veneto region.
With another Company of the Group since 1991, he takes care of and has taken care of the presence in fairs and BtoB workshops for groups of hotels and consortia of tourism promotion in the Veneto region, facilitating communication with the end customer or tour operators in Italy and Europe.
Since 1996 on the Board of Directors of the Tourism Promotion Consortium of Padua and Province.
Until 2013 Board member in the Regional Coordination of the Consortia of Tourism Promotion of Veneto.
Member of thematic or destination business networks for Tourism in Veneto.
Representative in the institutional Dmo of the destination Terme e Colli for Confcommercio.
Representative in the Euganean Hills Park - Unesco MAB Site for Confcommercio.
Vice president Confturismo Veneto and Advisor in Confturismo Nazionale for Fiavet.
President Fiavet Veneto since 2019.

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  • 10 Oct

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