Maria Teresa Santoro - Istat chief technologist, head of tourism statistics unit DCAT

Istat chief technologist, head of tourism statistics unit DCAT

First technologist at Istat, since 2017 she has been in charge of the unit dealing with supply-side tourism statistics within the Central Directorate for Environmental and Spatial Statistics. She has authored many national and international publications on tourism and is a member of the Eurostat International Working Group on Tourism Statistics.

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  • 09 Oct

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09 OCTOBER  |  15:40 - 16:40 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Emilio Becheri
Creator and coordinator of the “Italian Tourism Report” from the first edition 1984
Gavino Maresu
Former professor of Tourism Business and Event Management, University of Genoa
Nicoletta Martelletto
Moderator | Journalist, President Italian Travel Press
Maria Teresa Santoro
Istat chief technologist, head of tourism statistics unit DCAT