Giuseppe Nicotra - President “Italia dal Mare"

President “Italia dal Mare"

CEO and founder of the MYSA Group, comprising the companies Mediterranean Yacht Ship Assistance and Italia dal mare. After 24 years of service as an officer in the Italian Navy, including command positions on board naval units and with the General Staff, I held management positions with numerous companies, both Italian and foreign, operating in the naval sector, including, among others, Central Commercial Director of the RODRIQUEZ Group, Commercial Director of DATAMAT SpA , General Manager of SUPRAMAR INTERNATIONAL L.t.d. London and Vice President of Europe Invest

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  13:50 - 14:50 BeActive Arena - Pav. C4


Barbara Casagrande
Secretary General, Ministry of Tourism
Marzio Cuoco
Vice president AS.TU.NA. Nautical Tourism Association
Francesco Di Filippo
Deputy Vice President Assonautica Italiana
Paola Marchegiani
Head of Tourism Marche Region
Giuseppe Nicotra
President “Italia dal Mare"
Luca Oriani
Moderator | Editor of “The Journal of Sailing” and “Boats and Motor”