Mattia Munerotto - Councillor for Tourism, Sport, Commerce, Productive Activities and Youth Policies of the Municipality of Caorle

Councillor for Tourism, Sport, Commerce, Productive Activities and Youth Policies of the Municipality of Caorle

49 years old, graduated in Government and Public Policy at the University of Trieste. From a work point of view, he is currently in charge of the Financial Sector Heritage and Europe Office of the Friulian Riviera Community, after a long experience as Head of the Sports and Tourism Office of the Municipality of Caorle and as Director of the Caorle City of Sport Foundation, and another 5-year experience as Head of the Financial Area Taxes and Shareholdings of the Municipality of San Donà di Piave. Lastly, he holds the position of Councillor for Tourism, Sport, Commerce, Productive Activities and Youth Policies in the Municipality of Caorle.

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  15:30 - 18:00 Main Arena - Hall Sud


Carlo Sangalli
President of Confcommercio-Imprese for Italy
Giovanni Acampora
President Assonautica Italiana and President Chamber of Commerce Fr Lt
Nora Annesi
Researcher, Institute of Management, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa
Flavia Coccia
Vice President Assidema
Daniele Gatti
CEO of Holiday Family Village - Porto Sant'Elpidio
Andrea Giuricin
Economist, Associate Professor Milan Bicocca University
Mattia Munerotto
Councillor for Tourism, Sport, Commerce, Productive Activities and Youth Policies of the Municipality of Caorle
Marcello Zacchè
Moderator | Caporedattore Economia Il Giornale
Irene Zambusi
Federalberghi Caorle and Plastic Free Contact Person for the Municipality of Caorle