Francesco Ottoboni - Innovation and Education Manager of Italian School of Hospitality

Innovation and Education Manager of Italian School of Hospitality

Innovation and Education Manager at the Italian School of Hospitality. The School is a technical partner of the ARGO Accelerator, supporting the startups involved through vertical training on the specifics of the tourism sector as well as facilitating collaborations and synergies with industry companies and industry experts.

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  12:30 - 15:00 Diotallevi 2 Room - South Hall


Anthony La Salandra
Project Lead acceleration programme ARGO Tourism & TravelTech for Ca' Foscari Foundation - VeniSIA
Claudio Chiti
Intesa Sanpaolo innovation specialist for the Emilia-Romagna and Marche regional directorate
Francesco Ottoboni
Innovation and Education Manager of Italian School of Hospitality
Giulio Maria Pezzini
Acceleration Lead & Argo Accelerator PM - ZEST Group
Martina Rosato
Director at the General Directorate for Tourism Enhancement and Promotion of the Italian Ministry of Tourism