Paola Proserpio - Neurologist, Center for Sleep Medicine, San Raffaele Hospital - Milan, Italy

Neurologist, Center for Sleep Medicine, San Raffaele Hospital - Milan, Italy

Specializing in Neurology in 2009 at Milano Bicocca University, she did the last two years of her residency at the Epilepsy Surgery Center of Niguarda Hospital, being mainly interested in Sleep Medicine. He then continued to work as a fellow at that center, participating in several research projects on sleep disorders and the relationship between sleep and epilepsy, while continuing clinical work at the Niguarda Sleep Center and at the Humanitas San Pio X Clinic.
In 2011 he obtained the Italian diploma of Sleep Expert and in 2015 the European diploma. A Medical Director at Niguarda Hospital since 2018, she was appointed Head of the Sleep Center. During that period, she dedicated part of her activity at Neurophysiology, dealing with electroencephalographic diagnostics and the adult basic epilepsy outpatient clinic. Since 2023 she has been working at the Sleep Center of San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of various sleep disorders in both adults and children. Author of numerous scientific articles published in indexed journals, she is very active in the field of research. Since 2021, she has been a member of the board of directors of the Italian Academy of Sleep Medicine.

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  • 09 Oct

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09 OCTOBER  |  16:50 - 18:00 Design Arena - Pav. D3


Patrizia Catalano
Andrea Farinet
President Advertising Progress Foundation
Marco Pelucchi
GM of Pelma and President of Aipef
Paola Proserpio
Neurologist, Center for Sleep Medicine, San Raffaele Hospital - Milan, Italy
Stefania Rinaldi
Assarredo/FederlegnoArredo Sistemi per Dormire Group Board Member in Charge