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  • 09 Oct
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09 OCTOBER  |  13:20 - 14:20 Design Arena - Pav. D3


Alessia Interlandi
Communication consultant, founder of
Orsola Clerici
Decorator, co-founder Pictalab
Piermattia Cribiori
Architetto, co-fondatore di Atelierzero
Zaira Magliozzi
Moderator | Art&Travel Storyteller, Author, Content Creator
Tiziana Monterisi
Bioarchitect and co-founder di Ricehouse
Andrea Puppa
Graphic designer, co-foounder di
Carol Sichel
Project Manager Wood-Skin
Fabio Vignolo
Architect, co-founder FVAA
09 OCTOBER  |  16:50 - 18:00 Design Arena - Pav. D3


Patrizia Catalano
Andrea Farinet
President Advertising Progress Foundation
Marco Pelucchi
GM of Pelma and President of Aipef
Paola Proserpio
Neurologist, Center for Sleep Medicine, San Raffaele Hospital - Milan, Italy
Stefania Rinaldi
Assarredo/FederlegnoArredo Sistemi per Dormire Group Board Member in Charge