Orsola Clerici - Decorator, co-founder Pictalab

Decorator, co-founder Pictalab

She obtained a Diploma in Painting and Restoration in 2002. Fascinated by the world of art and conservation, she decided to specialise in Contemporary Art Restoration at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in 2005. On the strength of her training and acquired skills, she founded Pictalab in 2007 with Chiara Troglio, a decoration workshop based in Milan. Starting in 2009, Pictalab embarked on a path of specialisation in the production of decorations on paper, alongside wall decoration, with a preference for themes related to nature.

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  • 09 Oct

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09 OCTOBER  |  13:20 - 14:20 Design Arena - Pav. D3


Alessia Interlandi
Communication consultant, founder of in.circle
Orsola Clerici
Decorator, co-founder Pictalab
Piermattia Cribiori
Architetto, co-fondatore di Atelierzero
Zaira Magliozzi
Moderator | Art&Travel Storyteller, Author, Content Creator
Tiziana Monterisi
Bioarchitect and co-founder di Ricehouse
Andrea Puppa
Graphic designer, co-foounder di cccppp.studio
Carol Sichel
Project Manager Wood-Skin
Fabio Vignolo
Architect, co-founder FVAA