Meerim Saparbaeva - Sales Manager at Sunrise Trip

Sales Manager at Sunrise Trip

She is a 23-year-old with deep roots in the world of hospitality and tourism, has been shaped by her family’s thriving business. Her parents own the Sunrise Osh hotel chain and the Sunrise tour company, which has successfully operated for over eight years. Their company offers tailored travel experiences across Kyrgyzstan and neighboring countries, including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.
At Sunrise, the focus is on creating personalized and flexible tours that cater to the unique interests of each traveler. Whether someone is seeking adventure in Kyrgyzstan’s mountains or cultural immersion in Uzbekistan, Sunrise ensures that every detail is crafted for an unforgettable experience. The family’s commitment to quality extends to their hotel chain, where guests are welcomed into a warm and inviting atmosphere.

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  • 09 Oct

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09 OCTOBER  |  15:00 - 16:00 Diotallevi 2 Room - South Hall


Altynai Abdykadyrova
Member of the Association “Kyrgyz Demi”, Bologna Representative in the Migration Council under the Toraga Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic
Aliyev Almazbek
Manager for combined tours in Central Asia
Kanykei Amanalieva
Sales specialist (Italian speaking market) at Ak-Sai Travel Company
Aliev Asylbek
Vice-President of the Tourism Development Support Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic, OJSC
Anara Saparbek Kyzy
Manager at Tour operator "SAYAKAT TOURISM"
Nazgul Kaarova
Designer at
Usubaliev Maksat
Director of the Tourism Department under the Ministry of Economic and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic
Domenico Mocchi
Company representative in Italy at CAT Company
Luana Rinaldi
Manager for the Italian Market at Asia Expeditions Company
Meerim Saparbaeva
Sales Manager at Sunrise Trip