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09 OCTOBER  |  11:00 - 12:00 Italy Arena - Pav. A7


Piera Buonincontri
Senior Researcher ISMed - CNR, Expert in Tourism Marketing
Felice Casucci
Councillor for Tourism and Administrative Simplification of the Campania Region
Flavia Coccia
Vice President Assidema
Gabriella Corona
Director of the Institute of Mediterranean Studies National Research Council (CNR-ISMed)
Giancarlo Dell'Orco
Destination Manager, Trainer and Territorial Network Expert
Elisa Di Giovanni
Fausto Faggioli
President Albatros Network and Earth Academy area and project marketing manager
Alfonso A. Vargas-Sánchez
Full Professor and member of the Andalusian Academy of Regional Science, Spain
09 OCTOBER  |  13:20 - 14:20 BeActive Arena - Pav. C4


Daniela Santanchè
Minister for Tourism
Giovanni Acampora
President Assonautica Italiana and President Chamber of Commerce Fr Lt
Andrea Babbi
President of AS.TU.NA. Nautical Tourism Association and Vice President Fiavet
Daniele D'Amario
Coordinator Tourism Policy Commission Italian Regions
Luca Oriani
Moderator | Editor of “The Journal of Sailing” and “Boats and Motor”
Eugenio Michelino
Vice-President Assonat- Confcommercio - National Association of Marinas
09 OCTOBER  |  13:30 - 15:00 Diotallevi 1 Room - South Hall


Daniele Rocca
Publisher of Finestre sull'Arte
Federico Giannini
Moderator | Director of Finestre sull'Arte
Chiara Astolfi
Director of Visit Romagna
Mariangela Busi
Contact person for Mantua and Sabbioneta World Heritage, Municipality of Mantua
Stefan Marchioro
Official of the Tourism Directorate of the Veneto Region
Nadia Pasqual
Media Relations & PR Italy at Jordan Tourism Board
Maria Giuseppina Ruggiero
Director for DRMN-LOM of the four sites in Valle Camonica
Francesco Tapinassi
Director of Toscana Promozione Turistica and scientific director of BTO
09 OCTOBER  |  14:30 - 15:30 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Daniela Santanchè
Minister for Tourism
Barbara Casagrande
Secretary General, Ministry of Tourism
Gianluca Caramanna
Advisor to the Minister of Tourism
Alessandro Onorato
Councillor for Major Events, Sports, Tourism and Fashion of Roma Capitale
Massimo Cicatiello
Vice President Travel+Leisure
Loredana Giani Maguire
Full professor of administrative law & Coordinator of the course of study of Tourism UER
Paolo Garlando
Moderator | Territorial tourism marketing
09 OCTOBER  |  15:00 - 16:00 Diotallevi 2 Room - South Hall


Altynai Abdykadyrova
Member of the Association “Kyrgyz Demi”, Bologna Representative in the Migration Council under the Toraga Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic
Aliyev Almazbek
Manager for combined tours in Central Asia
Kanykei Amanalieva
Sales specialist (Italian speaking market) at Ak-Sai Travel Company
Aliev Asylbek
Vice-President of the Tourism Development Support Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic, OJSC
Anara Saparbek Kyzy
Manager at Tour operator "SAYAKAT TOURISM"
Nazgul Kaarova
Designer at
Usubaliev Maksat
Director of the Tourism Department under the Ministry of Economic and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic
Domenico Mocchi
Company representative in Italy at CAT Company
Luana Rinaldi
Manager for the Italian Market at Asia Expeditions Company
Meerim Saparbaeva
Sales Manager at Sunrise Trip
09 OCTOBER  |  15:40 - 16:40 BeActive Arena - Pav. C4


Alessandra Priante
ENIT President
Gianluca Caramanna
Advisor to the Minister of Tourism
Eugenio Michelino
Vice-President Assonat- Confcommercio - National Association of Marinas
Luciano Rigli
Councillor AS.TU.NA. Nautic Tourism Association
Antonello Testa
Ossermare coordinator and Inform Advisor- Az. Spec. CCIAA of Fr-Lt.
Luca Oriani
Moderator | Editor of “The Journal of Sailing” and “Boats and Motor”
09 OCTOBER  |  16:50 - 18:00 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Pietro Diamantini
High Speed Business Director of Trenitalia
Emiliana Limosani
CEO of Volare and Chief Commercial Officer of ITA Airways
Federico Scriboni
Director Aviation Business Development Aeroporti di Roma Spa
Marco Trombetti
Deputy Principal Director of Territorial Coordination and Passenger Right Central Directorate
Remo Vangelista
Director of TTG Italia and InOut Review
10 OCTOBER  |  12:10 - 13:10 Global Village Arena - Pav. A2


Andrea Cerrato
Destination manager
Flavia Coccia
Vice President Assidema
Claudio Dell'Accio
President of the Italian Destination Manager Association (ASSIDEMA).
Giancarlo Dell'Orco
Destination Manager, Trainer and Territorial Network Expert
Daniele Donnici
Destination manager
Antonio Prota
Tourism and territorial marketing expert
10 OCTOBER  |  15:00 - 18:00 Ravezzi 2 Room - South Hall


Simona Blandi
Travel Trade Manager of VisitBritain Italy
Marie-Charles Houston
Sales Manager for Historic Royal Palaces
Andrea Larotella
Senior Travel Trade Manager for Royal Museums Greenwich
Valentina Salaris
Sales Representative for the Italian market for Abbey – The Destination Experts