Fausto Faggioli  - President Albatros Network and Earth Academy area and project marketing manager

President Albatros Network and Earth Academy area and project marketing manager

Project and territorial marketing manager for sustainable development, inter-sectoral networks and Quality Rural Districts. President E.A.R.T.H. Academy, European network for cooperation and exchange of good practices. President "Albatros Network" network of professionals and enterprises that protects local realities by providing administrative, engineering and financial assistance to public and private entities. National Head of "Rural and Experiential Tourism" of FIJET "International Federation of Journalists and Writers of Tourism".

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  • 09 Oct

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09 OCTOBER  |  11:00 - 12:00 Italy Arena - Pav. A7


Piera Buonincontri
Senior Researcher ISMed - CNR, Expert in Tourism Marketing
Felice Casucci
Councillor for Tourism and Administrative Simplification of the Campania Region
Flavia Coccia
Vice President Assidema
Gabriella Corona
Director of the Institute of Mediterranean Studies National Research Council (CNR-ISMed)
Giancarlo Dell'Orco
Destination Manager, Trainer and Territorial Network Expert
Elisa Di Giovanni
Fausto Faggioli
President Albatros Network and Earth Academy area and project marketing manager
Alfonso A. Vargas-Sánchez
Full Professor and member of the Andalusian Academy of Regional Science, Spain