Vice-President Assonat- Confcommercio - National Association of Marinas

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  • 09 Oct

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09 OCTOBER  |  13:20 - 14:20 BeActive Arena - Pav. C4


Daniela Santanchè
Minister for Tourism
Giovanni Acampora
President Assonautica Italiana and President Chamber of Commerce Fr Lt
Andrea Babbi
President of AS.TU.NA. Nautical Tourism Association and Vice President Fiavet
Daniele D'Amario
Coordinator Tourism Policy Commission Italian Regions
Luca Oriani
Moderator | Editor of “The Journal of Sailing” and “Boats and Motor”
Eugenio Michelino
Vice-President Assonat- Confcommercio - National Association of Marinas
09 OCTOBER  |  15:40 - 16:40 BeActive Arena - Pav. C4


Alessandra Priante
ENIT President
Gianluca Caramanna
Advisor to the Minister of Tourism
Eugenio Michelino
Vice-President Assonat- Confcommercio - National Association of Marinas
Luciano Rigli
Councillor AS.TU.NA. Nautic Tourism Association
Antonello Testa
Ossermare coordinator and Inform Advisor- Az. Spec. CCIAA of Fr-Lt.
Luca Oriani
Moderator | Editor of “The Journal of Sailing” and “Boats and Motor”