Dina Ravera - President Destination Italia Group

President Destination Italia Group

Versatile and highly qualified C-level Executive Manager thanks to the engineering background, 10 years in McKinsey & Co, 20 years in senior executive roles for an International Groups in the Telco & Media sector. First female President of the National Association - ASSTEL.

Entrepreneur of the 1st Italian major TravelTech - Destination Italia Group, as well as Chairman and Director in different listed and non-listed Companies across various sectors : Food & Wine, Social & Healthcare, Finance, Telco, Technology, Multiutility.

Currently Director of FTO, Assonext, Independent Director of Reply, Inwit, Polo del Gusto.

Vice President Task Force Italy - platform of high-profile experts supporting the relaunch of the Country System.

30+ years leading corporations such as Committee of Confindustria Digitale, Board Director of A2A, Yolo, OTB, Wind.

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  • 10 Oct

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10 OCTOBER  |  17:10 - 18:00 BeActive Arena - Pav. C4


Andrea Casalini
Chief Executive Officer of Endu
Lorenzo Cortesi
General Manager of Venicemarathon
Silvia Livoni
Moderator | Journalist
Luca Moretti
President of Livigno Next - Marketing, Culture and Territory
Dina Ravera
President Destination Italia Group
Massimiliano Rovatti
Country Manager Ironman
Francesco Tapinassi
Director of Toscana Promozione Turistica and scientific director of BTO